Begun, The Deadlift War Has.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Closer to Awesome?...Indeed!

 What exactly is "Closer To Awesome", other than a slightly arrogant sounding tag line for Redemption Kettlebell Gym - my totally rad semi private gym? It's a mindset, an attitude, and a way of life. Like many other personal trainers/strength coaches/performance enhancement specialists or whatever title makes you feel good, I believe that quality physical training has a direct carryover to the mental and emotional aspects of our lives that goes beyond simple stress relief. "Closer To Awesome"is a fun slogan that embodies the path of all training goals. After all, to loosely paraphrase Jim Wendler, you didn't start training to be mediocre, right? Didn't think so. So why hold back? Why restrict yourself to doing what you know you can do and what you know you're good at? Start working with a heavier kettlebell. Add weight to the bar. Shorten your rest times, try new movements and/or skills, pick up a new activity. Have courage, take heart, and challenge yourself to push the limits. If it doesn't work out, congratulations, you've discovered an area where you need work, an uncharted territory, a new giant to knock down and conquer. The whole point of training is to turn weakness into strength. I always love hearing "my body doesn't move that way", "I need more rest", etc... That's Great! You've identified areas where you're weak. You're laser focus in training should be to totally dominate that weakness and diligently turn it into a strength. Magically, you'll start to see improvement in the other areas of your fitness (and possibly your life if you're astute enough to start making connections) With every good rep, or really, with every positive action, you get "Closer To Awesome". Get it? Good. Don't settle for mediocrity. Strive for Awesome! Now go out and crush, conquer, and destroy the weak areas in your movement, training, and life. Oh, and if you need help and you're in the Central Jersey area, look me up at Redemption Kettlebell Gym. We bring you Closer To  Awesome...